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How can I determine if having an estate sale is the right choice for me?

It might be challenging to answer this question, but in general, if you have a significant amount of high-quality items to sell, an estate sale would be your optimal option. It will yield more profit for you compared to selling everything to a single buyer, like an auction house.


Is it possible to get some items from the estate that I really want?

Feel free to gather any belongings that hold sentimental value to your family before we evaluate your home. However, once we have agreed upon an estate sale, we kindly request that no items be taken out, as our contract is based on the contents of the estate at the time of assessment.


How much time does it usually take to prepare and complete the sale?

It actually varies based on what's inside the house. We prefer having a timeframe of around one week to ten days to organize and carry out the sale. However, we do realize that sometimes there's a need for a quicker sale, and we always strive to accommodate such situations to the best of our abilities.


What if I have a change of heart and decide not to go ahead with the sale?

It's not something that occurs often since when families reach out to us, they've already put a lot of thought into their choices. But in the event that a sale needs to be called off, we do have to charge for the time and expenses that Skyline Estate Sales has already invested.


Do I need to be present for set-up and the sale?

No, we often collaborate with estate representatives who are located in different states or simply prefer not to be involved in the process. We understand that losing a family member or friend is a highly emotional and difficult experience, and we are here to handle everything for you. If you wish to be present, we can work with you however, we have noticed that it can be emotionally challenging for individuals to witness the sale of their loved one's belongings. We don't have the same emotional or sentimental attachment to the items, and although we are considerate of each estate's unique needs, our main objective is to sell the items for the highest possible price and clear out the property so that the estate can move forward with its future plans.

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